José Fernandes De Macêdo
Tracking the Evolution of Covid-19 Symptoms through Clinical Conversations
Ticiana Coelho Da Silva
José Fernandes De Macêdo
Régis Magalhães
Proceedings of the 5th Clinical Natural Language Processing Workshop
The Coronavirus pandemic has heightened the demand for technological solutions capable of gathering and monitoring data automatically, quickly, and securely. To achieve this need, the Plantão Coronavirus chatbot has been made available to the population of Ceará State in Brazil. This chatbot employs automated symptom detection technology through Natural Language Processing (NLP). The proposal of this work is a symptom tracker, which is a neural network that processes texts and captures symptoms in messages exchanged between citizens of the state and the Plantão Coronavirus nurse/doctor, i.e., clinical conversations. The model has the ability to recognize new patterns and has identified a high incidence of altered psychological behaviors, including anguish, anxiety, and sadness, among users who tested positive or negative for Covid-19. As a result, the tool has emphasized the importance of expanding coverage through community mental health services in the state.