Josh Guthrie
EmpaTweet: Annotating and Detecting Emotions on Twitter
Kirk Roberts
Michael A. Roach
Joseph Johnson
Josh Guthrie
Sanda M. Harabagiu
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12)
The rise of micro-blogging in recent years has resulted in significant access to emotion-laden text. Unlike emotion expressed in other textual sources (e.g., blogs, quotes in newswire, email, product reviews, or even clinical text), micro-blogs differ by (1) placing a strict limit on length, resulting radically in new forms of emotional expression, and (2) encouraging users to express their daily thoughts in real-time, often resulting in far more emotion statements than might normally occur. In this paper, we introduce a corpus collected from Twitter with annotated micro-blog posts (or tweets) annotated at the tweet-level with seven emotions: ANGER, DISGUST, FEAR, JOY, LOVE, SADNESS, and SURPRISE. We analyze how emotions are distributed in the data we annotated and compare it to the distributions in other emotion-annotated corpora. We also used the annotated corpus to train a classifier that automatically discovers the emotions in tweets. In addition, we present an analysis of the linguistic style used for expressing emotions our corpus. We hope that these observations will lead to the design of novel emotion detection techniques that account for linguistic style and psycholinguistic theories.