Junyi Mao


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Differentiated measurements for fatigue and demotivation/amotivation in translation - lessons learnt from fatigue and motivation studies
Junyi Mao
Proceedings of the 15th biennial conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (Workshop 1: Empirical Translation Process Research)

Fatigue is physical and mental weariness caused by prolonged continuity of work and would undermine work performance. In translation studies, although fatigue is a confounding fac- tor previous experiments all try to control, its detection and measurement are largely ignored. To bridge this lacuna, this article recommends some subjective and objective approaches to measuring translation fatigue based on prior fatigue research. Meanwhile, as demotivation is believed to be an emotion that confounds its accurate measurements, a discussion on how to distinguish those two states is further conducted from theoretical and methodological perspec- tives. In doing so, this paper not only illuminates on how to measure two essential influencers of translation performance, but also offers some insights into the distinction of affective and physical states during translation process.
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