Justin Washtell
Compositional Expectation: A Purely Distributional Model of Compositional Semantics
Justin Washtell
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS 2011)
Expectation Vectors: A Semiotics Inspired Approach to Geometric Lexical-Semantic Representation
Justin Washtell
Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on GEometrical Models of Natural Language Semantics
Co-Dispersion: A Windowless Approach to Lexical Association
Justin Washtell
Proceedings of the 12th Conference of the European Chapter of the ACL (EACL 2009)
A Comparison of Windowless and Window-Based Computational Association Measures as Predictors of Syntagmatic Human Associations
Justin Washtell
Katja Markert
Proceedings of the 2009 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing