Khanh-Tung Tran

Also published as: Khanh Tung Tran


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Irish-based Large Language Model with Extreme Low-Resource Settings in Machine Translation
Khanh-Tung Tran | Barry O’Sullivan | Hoang Nguyen
Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Technologies for Machine Translation of Low-Resource Languages (LoResMT 2024)

Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated exceptional performances in a wide range of natural language processing tasks. However, their success does not always extend to machine translation, particularly in challenging scenarios such as translating low-resource languages. This study investigates the multilingual capability of LLMs, with a case study on Irish, an extremely low-resource language, focusing on translation tasks between English and Irish. We propose a dynamic, efficient language adaptation framework for English-centric LLMs, which involves layer-specific adjustments and subsequent fine-tuning for machine translation. Our findings highlight several key insights: (1) different layers in the LLM serve distinct functions such as language understanding and task reasoning, (2) effective translation requires extensive pre-training on both source and target languages, and (3) targeted fine-tuning for machine translation leads to significant improvements of 36.7% for English to Irish and 133.4% for Irish to English compared to the previous state-of-the-art.


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ViGPTQA - State-of-the-Art LLMs for Vietnamese Question Answering: System Overview, Core Models Training, and Evaluations
Minh Thuan Nguyen | Khanh Tung Tran | Nhu Van Nguyen | Xuan-Son Vu
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: Industry Track

Large language models (LLMs) and their applications in low-resource languages (such as in Vietnamese) are limited due to lack of training data and benchmarking datasets. This paper introduces a practical real-world implementation of a question answering system for Vietnamese, called ViGPTQA, leveraging the power of LLM. Since there is no effective LLM in Vietnamese to date, we also propose, evaluate, and open-source an instruction-tuned LLM for Vietnamese, named ViGPT. ViGPT demonstrates exceptional performances, especially on real-world scenarios. We curate a new set of benchmark datasets that encompass both AI and human-generated data, providing a comprehensive evaluation framework for Vietnamese LLMs. By achieving state-of-the-art results and approaching other multilingual LLMs, our instruction-tuned LLM underscores the need for dedicated Vietnamese-specific LLMs. Our open-source model supports customized and privacy-fulfilled Vietnamese language processing systems.