Liumingjing Xiao
Domain Ontology Learning Enhanced by Optimized Relation Instance in DBpedia
Liumingjing Xiao
Chong Ruan
An Yang
Junhao Zhang
Junfeng Hu
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'16)
Ontologies are powerful to support semantic based applications and intelligent systems. While ontology learning are challenging due to its bottleneck in handcrafting structured knowledge sources and training data. To address this difficulty, many researchers turn to ontology enrichment and population using external knowledge sources such as DBpedia. In this paper, we propose a method using DBpedia in a different manner. We utilize relation instances in DBpedia to supervise the ontology learning procedure from unstructured text, rather than populate the ontology structure as a post-processing step. We construct three language resources in areas of computer science: enriched Wikipedia concept tree, domain ontology, and gold standard from NSFC taxonomy. Experiment shows that the result of ontology learning from corpus of computer science can be improved via the relation instances extracted from DBpedia in the same field. Furthermore, making distinction between the relation instances and applying a proper weighting scheme in the learning procedure lead to even better result.
Construction of Diachronic Ontologies from People’s Daily of Fifty Years
Shaoda He
Xiaojun Zou
Liumingjing Xiao
Junfeng Hu
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14)
This paper presents an Ontology Learning From Text (OLFT) method follows the well-known OLFT cake layer framework. Based on the distributional similarity, the proposed method generates multi-level ontologies from comparatively small corpora with the aid of HITS algorithm. Currently, this method covers terms extraction, synonyms recognition, concepts discovery and concepts hierarchical clustering. Among them, both concepts discovery and concepts hierarchical clustering are aided by the HITS authority, which is obtained from the HITS algorithm by an iteratively recommended way. With this method, a set of diachronic ontologies is constructed for each year based on People’s Daily corpora of fifty years (i.e., from 1947 to 1996). Preliminary experiments show that our algorithm outperforms the Google’s RNN and K-means based algorithm in both concepts discovery and concepts hierarchical clustering.
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- Junfeng Hu 2
- Shaoda He 1
- Chong Ruan 1
- An Yang 1
- Junhao Zhang 1
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