Luca Sion


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Enhancing Editorial Tasks: A Case Study on Rewriting Customer Help Page Contents Using Large Language Models
Aleksandra Gabryszak | Daniel Röder | Arne Binder | Luca Sion | Leonhard Hennig
Proceedings of the 17th International Natural Language Generation Conference

In this paper, we investigate the use of large language models (LLMs) to enhance the editorial process of rewriting customer help pages. We introduce a German-language dataset comprising Frequently Asked Question-Answer pairs, presenting both raw drafts and their revisions by professional editors. On this dataset, we evaluate the performance of four large language models (LLM) through diverse prompts tailored for the rewriting task. We conduct automatic evaluations of content and text quality using ROUGE, BERTScore, and ChatGPT. Furthermore, we let professional editors assess the helpfulness of automatically generated FAQ revisions for editorial enhancement. Our findings indicate that LLMs can produce FAQ reformulations beneficial to the editorial process. We observe minimal performance discrepancies among LLMs for this task, and our survey on helpfulness underscores the subjective nature of editors’ perspectives on editorial refinement.