Maibam Debina


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DELab@IIITSM at ICON-2021 Shared Task: Identification of Aggression and Biasness Using Decision Tree
Maibam Debina | Navanath Saharia
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Natural Language Processing: Shared Task on Multilingual Gender Biased and Communal Language Identification

This paper presents our system description on participation in ICON-2021 Shared Task sub-task 1 on multilingual gender-biased and communal language identification as team name: DELab@IIITSM. We have participated in two language-specific Meitei, Hindi, and one multi-lingualMeitei, Hindi, and Bangla with English code-mixed languages identification task. Our method includes well design pre-processing phase based on the dataset, the frequency-based feature extraction technique TF-IDF which creates the feature vector for each instance using(Decision Tree). We obtained weights are 0.629, 0.625, and 0.632 as the overall micro F1 score for the Hindi, Meitei, and multilingual datasets.