Manas Jyoti Bora


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Part-of-Speech Annotation of English-Assamese code-mixed texts: Two Approaches
Ritesh Kumar | Manas Jyoti Bora
Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Language Cognition and Computational Models

In this paper, we discuss the development of a part-of-speech tagger for English-Assamese code-mixed texts. We provide a comparison of 2 approaches to annotating code-mixed data – a) annotation of the texts from the two languages using monolingual resources from each language and b) annotation of the text through a different resource created specifically for code-mixed data. We present a comparative study of the efforts required in each approach and the final performance of the system. Based on this, we argue that it might be a better approach to develop new technologies using code-mixed data instead of monolingual, ‘clean’ data, especially for those languages where we do not have significant tools and technologies available till now.