Marco Wrzalik
NetZeroFacts: Two-Stage Emission Information Extraction from Company Reports
Marco Wrzalik
Florian Faust
Simon Sieber
Adrian Ulges
Proceedings of the Joint Workshop of the 7th Financial Technology and Natural Language Processing, the 5th Knowledge Discovery from Unstructured Data in Financial Services, and the 4th Workshop on Economics and Natural Language Processing
We address the challenge of efficiently extracting structured emission information, specifically emission goals, from company reports. Leveraging the potential of Large Language Models (LLMs), we propose a two-stage pipeline that first filters and retrieves potentially relevant passages and then extracts structured information from them using a generative model. We contribute an annotated dataset covering over 14.000 text passages, from which we extracted 739 expert annotated facts. On this dataset, we investigate the accuracy, efficiency and limitations of LLM-based emission information extraction, evaluate different retrieval techniques, and assess efficiency gains for human analysts by using the proposed pipeline. Our research demonstrates the promise of LLM technology in addressing the intricate task of sustainable emission data extraction from company reports.
CoRT: Complementary Rankings from Transformers
Marco Wrzalik
Dirk Krechel
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies
Many recent approaches towards neural information retrieval mitigate their computational costs by using a multi-stage ranking pipeline. In the first stage, a number of potentially relevant candidates are retrieved using an efficient retrieval model such as BM25. Although BM25 has proven decent performance as a first-stage ranker, it tends to miss relevant passages. In this context we propose CoRT, a simple neural first-stage ranking model that leverages contextual representations from pretrained language models such as BERT to complement term-based ranking functions while causing no significant delay at query time. Using the MS MARCO dataset, we show that CoRT significantly increases the candidate recall by complementing BM25 with missing candidates. Consequently, we find subsequent re-rankers achieve superior results with less candidates. We further demonstrate that passage retrieval using CoRT can be realized with surprisingly low latencies.
GerDaLIR: A German Dataset for Legal Information Retrieval
Marco Wrzalik
Dirk Krechel
Proceedings of the Natural Legal Language Processing Workshop 2021
We present GerDaLIR, a German Dataset for Legal Information Retrieval based on case documents from the open legal information platform Open Legal Data. The dataset consists of 123K queries, each labelled with at least one relevant document in a collection of 131K case documents. We conduct several baseline experiments including BM25 and a state-of-the-art neural re-ranker. With our dataset, we aim to provide a standardized benchmark for German LIR and promote open research in this area. Beyond that, our dataset comprises sufficient training data to be used as a downstream task for German or multilingual language models.