Maria Boritchev


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Error Exploration for Automatic Abstract Meaning Representation Parsing
Maria Boritchev | Johannes Heinecke
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computational Semantics

Following the data-driven methods of evaluation and error analysis in meaning representation parsing presented in (Buljan et al., 2022), we performed an error exploration of an Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) parser. Our aim is to perform a diagnosis of the types of errors found in the output of the tool in order to implement adaptation and correction strategies to accommodate these errors. This article presents the exploration, its results, the strategies we implemented and the effect of these strategies on the performances of the tool. Though we did not observe a significative rise on average in the performances of the tool, we got much better results in some cases using our adaptation techniques.


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A Multi-Party Dialogue Ressource in French
Maria Boritchev | Maxime Amblard
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

We presentDialogues in Games(DinG), a corpus of manual transcriptions of real-life, oral, spontaneous multi-party dialogues between French-speaking players of the board game Catan. Our objective is to make available a quality resource for French, composed of long dialogues, to facilitate their study in the style of (Asher et al., 2016). In a general dialogue setting, participants share personal information, which makes it impossible to disseminate the resource freely and openly. In DinG, the attention of the participants is focused on the game, which prevents them from talking about themselves. In addition, we are conducting a study on the nature of the questions in dialogue, through annotation (Cruz Blandon et al., 2019), in order to develop more natural automatic dialogue systems


A compositional view of questions
Maria Boritchev | Maxime Amblard
Proceedings of the 2019 Workshop on Widening NLP

We present a research on compositional treatment of questions in neo-davidsonian event semantics style. Our work is based on (Champollion, 2011) where only declarative sentences were considered. Our research is based on complex formal examples, paving the way towards further research in this domain and further testing on real-life corpora.

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Toward Dialogue Modeling: A Semantic Annotation Scheme for Questions and Answers
María Andrea Cruz Blandón | Gosse Minnema | Aria Nourbakhsh | Maria Boritchev | Maxime Amblard
Proceedings of the 13th Linguistic Annotation Workshop

The present study proposes an annotation scheme for classifying the content and discourse contribution of question-answer pairs. We propose detailed guidelines for using the scheme and apply them to dialogues in English, Spanish, and Dutch. Finally, we report on initial machine learning experiments for automatic annotation.