Marie Hinrichs

Also published as: Marie Boyle-Hinrichs


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Using GermaNet for the Generation of Crossword Puzzles
Claus Zinn | Marie Hinrichs | Erhard Hinrichs
Proceedings of the 20th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS 2024)


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Mapping GermaNet for the Semantic Web using OntoLex-Lemon
Claus Zinn | Marie Hinrichs | Erhard Hinrichs
Proceedings of the 12th Global Wordnet Conference

GermaNet is a large lexical-semantic net that relates German nouns, verbs, and adjectives semantically. The word net has been manually constructed over the last 25 years and hence presents a high-quality, valuable resource for German. While GermaNet is maintained in a Postgres database, all its content can be exported as an XML-based serialisation. Recently, this XML representation has been converted into RDF, largely by staying close to GermaNet’s principle of arrangement where lexunits that share the same meaning are grouped together into so-called synsets. With each lexical unit and synset now globally addressable via a unique resource identifier, it has become much easier to link together GermaNet entries with other lexical and semantic resources. In terms of semantic interoperability, however, the RDF variant of GermaNet leaves much to be desired. In this paper, we describe yet another conversion from GermaNet’s XML representation to RDF. The new conversion makes use of the OntoLex-Lemon ontology, and therefore, presents a decisive step toward a GermaNet representation with a much higher level of semantic interoperability, and which makes it possible to use GermaNet with other wordnets that already support this conceptualisation of lexica.


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Adapting GermaNet for the Semantic Web
Claus Zinn | Marie Hinrichs | Erhard Hinrichs
Proceedings of the 18th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS 2022)


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Bridging the LAPPS Grid and CLARIN
Erhard Hinrichs | Nancy Ide | James Pustejovsky | Jan Hajič | Marie Hinrichs | Mohammad Fazleh Elahi | Keith Suderman | Marc Verhagen | Kyeongmin Rim | Pavel Straňák | Jozef Mišutka
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018)

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Handling Big Data and Sensitive Data Using EUDAT’s Generic Execution Framework and the WebLicht Workflow Engine.
Claus Zinn | Wei Qui | Marie Hinrichs | Emanuel Dima | Alexandr Chernov
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018)


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Proceedings of the Workshop on Language Technology Resources and Tools for Digital Humanities (LT4DH)
Erhard Hinrichs | Marie Hinrichs | Thorsten Trippel
Proceedings of the Workshop on Language Technology Resources and Tools for Digital Humanities (LT4DH)


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A Repository for the Sustainable Management of Research Data
Emanuel Dima | Verena Henrich | Erhard Hinrichs | Marie Hinrichs | Christina Hoppermann | Thorsten Trippel | Thomas Zastrow | Claus Zinn
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12)

This paper presents the system architecture as well as the underlying workflow of the Extensible Repository System of Digital Objects (ERDO) which has been developed for the sustainable archiving of language resources within the Tübingen CLARIN-D project. In contrast to other approaches focusing on archiving experts, the described workflow can be used by researchers without required knowledge in the field of long-term storage for transferring data from their local file systems into a persistent repository.


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WebLicht: Web-based LRT Services in a Distributed eScience Infrastructure
Marie Hinrichs | Thomas Zastrow | Erhard Hinrichs
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'10)

eScience - enhanced science - is a new paradigm of scientific work and research. In the humanities, eScience environments can be helpful in establishing new workflows and lifecycles of scientific data. WebLicht is such an eScience environment for linguistic analysis, making linguistic tools and resources available network-wide. Today, most digital language resources and tools (LRT) are available by download only. This is inconvenient for someone who wants to use and combine several tools because these tools are normally not compatible with each other. To overcome this restriction, WebLicht makes the functionality of linguistic tools and the resources themselves available via the internet as web services. In WebLicht, several kinds of linguistic tools are available which cover the basic functionality of automatic and incremental creation of annotated text corpora. To make use of the more than 70 tools and resources currently available, the end user needs nothing more than just a common web browser.

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Term and Collocation Extraction by Means of Complex Linguistic Web Services
Ulrich Heid | Fabienne Fritzinger | Erhard Hinrichs | Marie Hinrichs | Thomas Zastrow
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'10)

We present a web service-based environment for the use of linguistic resources and tools to address issues of terminology and language varieties. We discuss the architecture, corpus representation formats, components and a chainer supporting the combination of tools into task-specific services. Integrated into this environment, single web services also become part of complex scenarios for web service use. Our web services take for example corpora of several million words as an input on which they perform preprocessing, such as tokenisation, tagging, lemmatisation and parsing, and corpus exploration, such as collocation extraction and corpus comparison. Here we present an example on extraction of single and multiword items typical of a specific domain or typical of a regional variety of German. We also give a critical review on needs and available functions from a user's point of view. The work presented here is part of ongoing experimentation in the D-SPIN project, the German national counterpart of CLARIN.

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WebLicht: Web-Based LRT Services for German
Erhard Hinrichs | Marie Hinrichs | Thomas Zastrow
Proceedings of the ACL 2010 System Demonstrations


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INSYST: An Automatic Inserter System for Hierarchical Lexica
Marc Light | Sabine Reinhard | Marie Boyle-Hinrichs
Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics