Mariya Neykova
Language Technologies in Teaching Bugarian at Primary and Secondary School Level: the NBU Platform of Language Teaching (PLT)
Maria Stambolieva
Valentina Ivanova
Mariana Raykova
Milka Hadjikoteva
Mariya Neykova
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Language technology for Digital Humanities in Central and (South-)Eastern Europe
The NBU Language Teaching Platform (PLT) was initially designed for teaching foreign languages for specific purposes; at a second stage, some of its functionalities were extended to answer the needs of teaching general foreign language. New functionalities have now been created for the purpose of providing e-support for Bulgarian language and literature teaching at primary and secondary school level. The article presents the general structure of the platform and the functionalities specifically developed to match the standards and expected results set by the Ministry of Education. The E-platform integrates: 1/ an environment for creating, organizing and maintaining electronic text archives, for extracting text corpora and aligning corpora; 2/ a linguistic database; 3/ a concordancer; 4/ a set of modules for the generation and editing of practice exercises for each text or corpus; 5/ functionalities for export from the platform and import to other educational platforms. For Moodle, modules were created for test generation, performance assessment and feedback. The PLT allows centralized presentation of abundant teaching content, control of the educational process, fast and reliable feedback on performance.