Marouane Yassine
Deepparse : An Extendable, and Fine-Tunable State-Of-The-Art Library for Parsing Multinational Street Addresses
David Beauchemin
Marouane Yassine
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop for Natural Language Processing Open Source Software (NLP-OSS 2023)
Segmenting an address into meaningful components, also known as address parsing, is an essential step in many applications from record linkage to geocoding and package delivery. Consequently, a lot of work has been dedicated to develop accurate address parsing techniques, with machine learning and neural network methods leading the state-of-the-art scoreboard. However, most of the work on address parsing has been confined to academic endeavours with little availability of free and easy-to-use open-source solutions.This paper presents Deepparse, a Python open-source, extendable, fine-tunable address parsing solution under LGPL-3.0 licence to parse multinational addresses using state-of-the-art deep learning algorithms and evaluated on over 60 countries. It can parse addresses written in any language and use any address standard. The pre-trained model achieves average 99% parsing accuracies on the countries used for training with no pre-processing nor post-processing needed. Moreover, the library supports fine-tuning with new data to generate a custom address parser.