Martin Laville


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About Evaluating Bilingual Lexicon Induction
Martin Laville | Emmanuel Morin | Phillippe Langlais
Proceedings of the BUCC Workshop within LREC 2022

With numerous new methods proposed recently, the evaluation of Bilingual Lexicon Induction have been quite hazardous and inconsistent across works. Some studies proposed some guidance to sanitize this; yet, they are not necessarily followed by practitioners. In this study, we try to gather these different recommendations and add our owns, with the aim to propose an unified evaluation protocol. We further show that the easiness of a benchmark while being correlated to the proximity of the language pairs being considered, is even more conditioned on the graphical similarities within the test word pairs.


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Data Selection for Bilingual Lexicon Induction from Specialized Comparable Corpora
Martin Laville | Amir Hazem | Emmanuel Morin | Phillippe Langlais
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Narrow specialized comparable corpora are often small in size. This particularity makes it difficult to build efficient models to acquire translation equivalents, especially for less frequent and rare words. One way to overcome this issue is to enrich the specialized corpora with out-of-domain resources. Although some recent studies have shown improvements using data augmentation, the enrichment method was roughly conducted by adding out-of-domain data with no particular attention given to how to enrich words and how to do it optimally. In this paper, we contrast several data selection techniques to improve bilingual lexicon induction from specialized comparable corpora. We first apply two well-established data selection techniques often used in machine translation that is: Tf-Idf and cross entropy. Then, we propose to exploit BERT for data selection. Overall, all the proposed techniques improve the quality of the extracted bilingual lexicons by a large margin. The best performing model is the cross entropy, obtaining a gain of about 4 points in MAP while decreasing computation time by a factor of 10.

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TALN/LS2N Participation at the BUCC Shared Task: Bilingual Dictionary Induction from Comparable Corpora
Martin Laville | Amir Hazem | Emmanuel Morin
Proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora

This paper describes the TALN/LS2N system participation at the Building and Using Comparable Corpora (BUCC) shared task. We first introduce three strategies: (i) a word embedding approach based on fastText embeddings; (ii) a concatenation approach using both character Skip-Gram and character CBOW models, and finally (iii) a cognates matching approach based on an exact match string similarity. Then, we present the applied strategy for the shared task which consists in the combination of the embeddings concatenation and the cognates matching approaches. The covered languages are French, English, German, Russian and Spanish. Overall, our system mixing embeddings concatenation and perfect cognates matching obtained the best results while compared to individual strategies, except for English-Russian and Russian-English language pairs for which the concatenation approach was preferred.