Masood Masoodian
TeMoTopic: Temporal Mosaic Visualisation of Topic Distribution, Keywords, and Context
Shane Sheehan
Saturnino Luz
Masood Masoodian
Proceedings of the EACL Hackashop on News Media Content Analysis and Automated Report Generation
In this paper we present TeMoTopic, a visualization component for temporal exploration of topics in text corpora. TeMoTopic uses the temporal mosaic metaphor to present topics as a timeline of stacked bars along with related keywords for each topic. The visualization serves as an overview of the temporal distribution of topics, along with the keyword contents of the topics, which collectively support detail-on-demand interactions with the source text of the corpora. Through these interactions and the use of keyword highlighting, the content related to each topic and its change over time can be explored.
Gathering a corpus of multimodal computer-mediated meetings
Saturnino Luz
Matt-Mouley Bouamrane
Masood Masoodian
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’06)
In this paper we describe the gathering of a corpus of synchronised speech and text interaction over the network. The data collection scenarios characterise audio meetings with a significant textual component. Unlike existing meeting corpora, the corpus described in this paper emphasises temporal relationships between speech and text media streams. This is achieved through detailed logging and timestamping of text editing operations, actions on shared user interface widgets and gesturing, as well as generation of speech activity profiles. A set of tools has been developed specifically for these purposes which can be used as a data collection platform for the development of meeting browsers. The data gathered to date consists of nearly 30 hours of recorded audio and time stamped editing operations and gestures.