Mezghani Amal
ANLP RG at StanceEval2024: Comparative Evaluation of Stance, Sentiment and Sarcasm Detection
Mezghani Amal
Rahma Boujelbane
Mariem Ellouze
Proceedings of The Second Arabic Natural Language Processing Conference
As part of our study, we worked on three tasks:stance detection, sarcasm detection and senti-ment analysis using fine-tuning techniques onBERT-based models. Fine-tuning parameterswere carefully adjusted over multiple iterationsto maximize model performance. The threetasks are essential in the field of natural lan-guage processing (NLP) and present uniquechallenges. Stance detection is a critical taskaimed at identifying a writer’s stances or view-points in relation to a topic. Sarcasm detectionseeks to spot sarcastic expressions, while senti-ment analysis determines the attitude expressedin a text. After numerous experiments, we iden-tified Arabert-twitter as the model offering thebest performance for all three tasks. In particu-lar, it achieves a macro F-score of 78.08% forstance detection, a macro F1-score of 59.51%for sarcasm detection and a macro F1-score of64.57% for sentiment detection. .Our source code is available at