Mezghani Amal


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ANLP RG at StanceEval2024: Comparative Evaluation of Stance, Sentiment and Sarcasm Detection
Mezghani Amal | Rahma Boujelbane | Mariem Ellouze
Proceedings of The Second Arabic Natural Language Processing Conference

As part of our study, we worked on three tasks:stance detection, sarcasm detection and senti-ment analysis using fine-tuning techniques onBERT-based models. Fine-tuning parameterswere carefully adjusted over multiple iterationsto maximize model performance. The threetasks are essential in the field of natural lan-guage processing (NLP) and present uniquechallenges. Stance detection is a critical taskaimed at identifying a writer’s stances or view-points in relation to a topic. Sarcasm detectionseeks to spot sarcastic expressions, while senti-ment analysis determines the attitude expressedin a text. After numerous experiments, we iden-tified Arabert-twitter as the model offering thebest performance for all three tasks. In particu-lar, it achieves a macro F-score of 78.08% forstance detection, a macro F1-score of 59.51%for sarcasm detection and a macro F1-score of64.57% for sentiment detection. .Our source code is available at