Michael Castelle
Using Computational Grounded Theory to Understand Tutors’ Experiences in the Gig Economy
Lama Alqazlan
Rob Procter
Michael Castelle
Proceedings of the Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Digital Humanities
The introduction of online marketplace platforms has led to the advent of new forms of flexible, on-demand (or ‘gig’) work. Yet, most prior research concerning the experience of gig workers examines delivery or crowdsourcing platforms, while the experience of the large numbers of workers who undertake educational labour in the form of tutoring gigs remains understudied. To address this, we use a computational grounded theory approach to analyse tutors’ discussions on Reddit. This approach consists of three phases including data exploration, modelling and human-centred interpretation. We use both validation and human evaluation to increase the trustworthiness and reliability of the computational methods. This paper is a work in progress and reports on the first of the three phases of this approach.
Cost-Sensitive BERT for Generalisable Sentence Classification on Imbalanced Data
Harish Tayyar Madabushi
Elena Kochkina
Michael Castelle
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Internet Freedom: Censorship, Disinformation, and Propaganda
The automatic identification of propaganda has gained significance in recent years due to technological and social changes in the way news is generated and consumed. That this task can be addressed effectively using BERT, a powerful new architecture which can be fine-tuned for text classification tasks, is not surprising. However, propaganda detection, like other tasks that deal with news documents and other forms of decontextualized social communication (e.g. sentiment analysis), inherently deals with data whose categories are simultaneously imbalanced and dissimilar. We show that BERT, while capable of handling imbalanced classes with no additional data augmentation, does not generalise well when the training and test data are sufficiently dissimilar (as is often the case with news sources, whose topics evolve over time). We show how to address this problem by providing a statistical measure of similarity between datasets and a method of incorporating cost-weighting into BERT when the training and test sets are dissimilar. We test these methods on the Propaganda Techniques Corpus (PTC) and achieve the second highest score on sentence-level propaganda classification.
The Linguistic Ideologies of Deep Abusive Language Classification
Michael Castelle
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Abusive Language Online (ALW2)
This paper brings together theories from sociolinguistics and linguistic anthropology to critically evaluate the so-called “language ideologies” — the set of beliefs and ways of speaking about language—in the practices of abusive language classification in modern machine learning-based NLP. This argument is made at both a conceptual and empirical level, as we review approaches to abusive language from different fields, and use two neural network methods to analyze three datasets developed for abusive language classification tasks (drawn from Wikipedia, Facebook, and StackOverflow). By evaluating and comparing these results, we argue for the importance of incorporating theories of pragmatics and metapragmatics into both the design of classification tasks as well as in ML architectures.