Michael Ladwig


Language NOW
Michael Ladwig
Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas: Government MT User Program

Language Now is a natural language processing (NLP) research and development program with a goal of improving the performance of machine translation (MT) and other NLP technologies in mission-critical applications. The Language NOW research and development program has produced the following four primary advances as Government license-free technology: 1) A consistent and simple user interface developed to allow non-technical users, regardless of language proficiency, to use NLP technology in exploiting foreign language text content. Language NOW research has produced first-of-a-kind capabilities such as detection and handling of structured data, direct processing and visualization of foreign language data with transliterations and translations. 2) A highly efficient NLP integration framework, the Abstract Scalable Language Services (ASLS). ASLS offers system developers easy implementation of an efficient integrated service oriented architecture suitable for devices ranging from handheld computers to large enterprise computer clusters. 3) Service wrappers integrating commercial, Government license-free, open source and research software that provide NLP services such as machine translation, named entity recognition, optical character recognition (OCR), transliteration and text search. 4) STatistical Engines for Language Analysis (STELAE) and Maximum Entropy Extraction Pipeline (MEEP) tools that produce customized statistical machine translation and hybrid statistical/rule-based named entity recognition engines.
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