Michael Spranger
Automatically Identifying Online Grooming Chats Using CNN-based Feature Extraction
Svenja Preuß
Luna Pia Bley
Tabea Bayha
Vivien Dehne
Alessa Jordan
Sophie Reimann
Fina Roberto
Josephine Romy Zahm
Hanna Siewerts
Dirk Labudde
Michael Spranger
Proceedings of the 17th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS 2021)
External Evaluation of Event Extraction Classifiers for Automatic Pathway Curation: An extended study of the mTOR pathway
Wojciech Kusa
Michael Spranger
BioNLP 2017
Measuring the State of the Art of Automated Pathway Curation Using Graph Algorithms - A Case Study of the mTOR Pathway
Michael Spranger
Sucheendra Palaniappan
Samik Gosh
Proceedings of the 15th Workshop on Biomedical Natural Language Processing
Extracting Biological Pathway Models From NLP Event Representations
Michael Spranger
Sucheendra Palaniappan
Samik Ghosh
Proceedings of BioNLP 15
- Samik Ghosh 2
- Sucheendra Palaniappan 2
- Tabea Bayha 1
- Luna Pia Bley 1
- Vivien Dehne 1
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