Moutasem Abdullatif
KUISAIL at SemEval-2020 Task 12: BERT-CNN for Offensive Speech Identification in Social Media
Ali Safaya
Moutasem Abdullatif
Deniz Yuret
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Semantic Evaluation
In this paper, we describe our approach to utilize pre-trained BERT models with Convolutional Neural Networks for sub-task A of the Multilingual Offensive Language Identification shared task (OffensEval 2020), which is a part of the SemEval 2020. We show that combining CNN with BERT is better than using BERT on its own, and we emphasize the importance of utilizing pre-trained language models for downstream tasks. Our system, ranked 4th with macro averaged F1-Score of 0.897 in Arabic, 4th with score of 0.843 in Greek, and 3rd with score of 0.814 in Turkish. Additionally, we present ArabicBERT, a set of pre-trained transformer language models for Arabic that we share with the community.