Muhammad Abdo
The Typology of Ellipsis: A Corpus for Linguistic Analysis and Machine Learning Applications
Damir Cavar
Ludovic Mompelat
Muhammad Abdo
Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Research in Computational Linguistic Typology and Multilingual NLP
State-of-the-art (SotA) Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology faces significant challenges with constructions that contain ellipses. Although theoretically well-documented and understood, there needs to be more sufficient cross-linguistic language resources to document, study, and ultimately engineer NLP solutions that can adequately provide analyses for ellipsis constructions. This article describes the typological data set on ellipsis that we created for currently seventeen languages. We demonstrate how SotA parsers based on a variety of syntactic frameworks fail to parse sentences with ellipsis, and in fact, probabilistic, neural, and Large Language Models (LLM) do so, too. We demonstrate experiments that focus on detecting sentences with ellipsis, predicting the position of elided elements, and predicting elided surface forms in the appropriate positions. We show that cross-linguistic variation of ellipsis-related phenomena has different consequences for the architecture of NLP systems.
IUNADI at NADI 2023 shared task: Country-level Arabic Dialect Classification in Tweets for the Shared Task NADI 2023
Yash Hatekar
Muhammad Abdo
Proceedings of ArabicNLP 2023
In this paper, we describe our participation in the NADI2023 shared task for the classification of Arabic dialects in tweets. For training, evaluation, and testing purposes, a primary dataset comprising tweets from 18 Arab countries is provided, along with three older datasets. The main objective is to develop a model capable of classifying tweets from these 18 countries. We outline our approach, which leverages various machine learning models. Our experiments demonstrate that large language models, particularly Arabertv2-Large, Arabertv2-Base, and CAMeLBERT-Mix DID MADAR, consistently outperform traditional methods such as SVM, XGBOOST, Multinomial Naive Bayes, AdaBoost, and Random Forests.