Mutaz Bni Younes
JUSTMasters at SemEval-2020 Task 3: Multilingual Deep Learning Model to Predict the Effect of Context in Word Similarity
Nour Al-khdour
Mutaz Bni Younes
Malak Abdullah
Mohammad AL-Smadi
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Semantic Evaluation
There is a growing research interest in studying word similarity. Without a doubt, two similar words in a context may considered different in another context. Therefore, this paper investigates the effect of the context in word similarity. The SemEval-2020 workshop has provided a shared task (Task 3: Predicting the (Graded) Effect of Context in Word Similarity). In this task, the organizers provided unlabeled datasets for four languages, English, Croatian, Finnish and Slovenian. Our team, JUSTMasters, has participated in this competition in the two subtasks: A and B. Our approach has used a weighted average ensembling method for different pretrained embeddings techniques for each of the four languages. Our proposed model outperformed the baseline models in both subtasks and acheived the best result for subtask 2 in English and Finnish, with score 0.725 and 0.68 respectively. We have been ranked the sixth for subtask 1, with scores for English, Croatian, Finnish, and Slovenian as follows: 0.738, 0.44, 0.546, 0.512.