Mutaz Younes
Alexa at SemEval-2023 Task 10: Ensemble Modeling of DeBERTa and BERT Variations for Identifying Sexist Text
Mutaz Younes
Ali Kharabsheh
Mohammad Bani Younes
Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2023)
This study presents an ensemble approach for detecting sexist text in the context of the Semeval-2023 task 10. Our approach leverages 18 models, including DeBERTa-v3-base models with different input sequence lengths, a BERT-based model trained on identifying hate speech, and three more models pre-trained on the task’s unlabeled data with varying input lengths. The results of our framework on the development set show an f1-score of 84.92% and on the testing set 84.55%, effectively demonstrating the strength of the ensemble approach in getting accurate results.
Team Alexa at NADI Shared Task
Mutaz Younes
Nour Al-khdour
Mohammad AL-Smadi
Proceedings of the Fifth Arabic Natural Language Processing Workshop
In this paper, we discuss our team’s work on the NADI Shared Task. The task requires classifying Arabic tweets among 21 dialects. We tested out different approaches, and the best one was the simplest one. Our best submission was using Multinational Naive Bayes (MNB) classifier (Small and Hsiao, 1985) with n-grams as features. Despite its simplicity, this classifier shows better results than complicated models such as BERT. Our best submitted score was 17% F1-score and 35% accuracy.