Myroslava O. Dzikovska
Also published as: Myroslava Dzikovska
SemEval-2013 Task 7: The Joint Student Response Analysis and 8th Recognizing Textual Entailment Challenge
Myroslava Dzikovska
Rodney Nielsen
Chris Brew
Claudia Leacock
Danilo Giampiccolo
Luisa Bentivogli
Peter Clark
Ido Dagan
Hoa Trang Dang
Second Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM), Volume 2: Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2013)
Improving interpretation robustness in a tutorial dialogue system
Myroslava Dzikovska
Elaine Farrow
Johanna Moore
Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications
Evaluating language understanding accuracy with respect to objective outcomes in a dialogue system
Myroslava O. Dzikovska
Peter Bell
Amy Isard
Johanna D. Moore
Proceedings of the 13th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Towards Effective Tutorial Feedback for Explanation Questions: A Dataset and Baselines
Myroslava O. Dzikovska
Rodney D. Nielsen
Chris Brew
Proceedings of the 2012 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies
Exploring User Satisfaction in a Tutorial Dialogue System
Myroslava O. Dzikovska
Johanna D. Moore
Natalie Steinhauser
Gwendolyn Campbell
Proceedings of the SIGDIAL 2011 Conference
Beetle II: an adaptable tutorial dialogue system
Myroslava Dzikovska
Amy Isard
Peter Bell
Johanna Moore
Natalie Steinhauser
Gwendolyn Campbell
Proceedings of the SIGDIAL 2011 Conference
The Impact of Interpretation Problems on Tutorial Dialogue
Myroslava O. Dzikovska
Johanna D. Moore
Natalie Steinhauser
Gwendolyn Campbell
Proceedings of the ACL 2010 Conference Short Papers
Beetle II: A System for Tutoring and Computational Linguistics Experimentation
Myroslava O. Dzikovska
Johanna D. Moore
Natalie Steinhauser
Gwendolyn Campbell
Elaine Farrow
Charles B. Callaway
Proceedings of the ACL 2010 System Demonstrations
Context-Dependent Regression Testing for Natural Language Processing
Elaine Farrow
Myroslava O. Dzikovska
Proceedings of the Workshop on Software Engineering, Testing, and Quality Assurance for Natural Language Processing (SETQA-NLP 2009)
Dealing with Interpretation Errors in Tutorial Dialogue
Myroslava Dzikovska
Charles Callaway
Elaine Farrow
Johanna Moore
Natalie Steinhauser
Gwendolyn Campbell
Proceedings of the SIGDIAL 2009 Conference
Evaluating Complement-Modifier Distinctions in a Semantically Annotated Corpus
Mark McConville
Myroslava O. Dzikovska
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'08)
‘Deep’ Grammatical Relations for Semantic Interpretation
Mark McConville
Myroslava O. Dzikovska
Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop on Cross-Framework and Cross-Domain Parser Evaluation
Adaptive Tutorial Dialogue Systems Using Deep NLP Techniques
Myroslava O. Dzikovska
Charles B. Callaway
Elaine Farrow
Manuel Marques-Pita
Colin Matheson
Johanna D. Moore
Proceedings of Human Language Technologies: The Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL-HLT)
Deep Linguistic Processing for Spoken Dialogue Systems
James Allen
Myroslava Dzikovska
Mehdi Manshadi
Mary Swift
ACL 2007 Workshop on Deep Linguistic Processing
Extracting a Verb Lexicon for Deep Parsing from FrameNet
Mark McConville
Myroslava O. Dzikovska
ACL 2007 Workshop on Deep Linguistic Processing
Interpretation and Generation in a Knowledge-Based TutorialSystem
Myroslava O. Dzikovska
Charles B. Callaway
Elaine Farrow
Proceedings of the Workshop KRAQ’06: Knowledge and Reasoning for Language Processing
Tools for hierarchical annotation of typed dialogue
Myroslava Dzikovska
Charles Callaway
Elaine Farrow
Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on NLP and XML (NLPXML-2006): Multi-Dimensional Markup in Natural Language Processing
Backbone Extraction and Pruning for Speeding Up a Deep Parser for Dialogue Systems
Myroslava O. Dzikovska
Carolyn P. Rosé
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Scalable Natural Language Understanding
Increasing the coverage of a domain independent dialogue lexicon with VERBNET
Benoit Crabbé
Myroslava O. Dzikovska
William de Beaumont
Mary Swift
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Scalable Natural Language Understanding
TFLEX: Speeding Up Deep Parsing with Strategic Pruning
Myroslava O. Dzikovska
Carolyn P. Rose
Proceedings of the Ninth International Workshop on Parsing Technology
Generic Parsing for Multi-Domain Semantic Interpretation
Myroslava Dzikovska
Mary Swift
James Allen
William de Beaumont
Proceedings of the Ninth International Workshop on Parsing Technology
Semi-automatic Syntactic and Semantic Corpus Annotation with a Deep Parser
Mary D. Swift
Myroslava O. Dzikovska
Joel R. Tetreault
James F. Allen
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’04)
Discourse Annotation in the Monroe Corpus
Joel Tetreault
Mary Swift
Preethum Prithviraj
Myroslava Dzikovska
James Allen
Proceedings of the Workshop on Discourse Annotation
TRIPS- 911 System Demonstration
James Allen
Donna Byron
Dave Costello
Myroslava Dzikovska
George Ferguson
Lucian Galescu
Amanda Stent
ANLP-NAACL 2000 Workshop: Conversational Systems
- Johanna D. Moore 8
- Elaine Farrow 7
- James Allen 5
- Charles B. Callaway 5
- Gwendolyn Campbell 5
- show all...
- Natalie Steinhauser 5
- Mary Swift 5
- Mark McConville 3
- Peter Bell 2
- Chris Brew 2
- Amy Isard 2
- Rodney Nielsen 2
- Carolyn Rose 2
- Joel Tetreault 2
- William de Beaumont 2
- Luisa Bentivogli 1
- Donna Byron 1
- Peter Clark 1
- Dave Costello 1
- Benoit Crabbé 1
- Ido Dagan 1
- Hoa Trang Dang 1
- George Ferguson 1
- Lucian Galescu 1
- Danilo Giampiccolo 1
- Claudia Leacock 1
- Mehdi Manshadi 1
- Manuel Marques-Pita 1
- Colin Matheson 1
- Preethum Prithviraj 1
- Amanda Stent 1