Namit Katariya
Medically Aware GPT-3 as a Data Generator for Medical Dialogue Summarization
Bharath Chintagunta
Namit Katariya
Xavier Amatriain
Anitha Kannan
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Medical Conversations
In medical dialogue summarization, summaries must be coherent and must capture all the medically relevant information in the dialogue. However, learning effective models for summarization require large amounts of labeled data which is especially hard to obtain. We present an algorithm to create synthetic training data with an explicit focus on capturing medically relevant information. We utilize GPT-3 as the backbone of our algorithm and scale 210 human labeled examples to yield results comparable to using 6400 human labeled examples (~30x) leveraging low-shot learning and an ensemble method. In detailed experiments, we show that this approach produces high quality training data that can further be combined with human labeled data to get summaries that are strongly preferable to those produced by models trained on human data alone both in terms of medical accuracy and coherency.
Dr. Summarize: Global Summarization of Medical Dialogue by Exploiting Local Structures.
Anirudh Joshi
Namit Katariya
Xavier Amatriain
Anitha Kannan
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2020
Understanding a medical conversation between a patient and a physician poses unique natural language understanding challenge since it combines elements of standard open-ended conversation with very domain-specific elements that require expertise and medical knowledge. Summarization of medical conversations is a particularly important aspect of medical conversation understanding since it addresses a very real need in medical practice: capturing the most important aspects of a medical encounter so that they can be used for medical decision making and subsequent follow ups. In this paper we present a novel approach to medical conversation summarization that leverages the unique and independent local structures created when gathering a patient’s medical history. Our approach is a variation of the pointer generator network where we introduce a penalty on the generator distribution, and we explicitly model negations. The model also captures important properties of medical conversations such as medical knowledge coming from standardized medical ontologies better than when those concepts are introduced explicitly. Through evaluation by doctors, we show that our approach is preferred on twice the number of summaries to the baseline pointer generator model and captures most or all of the information in 80% of the conversations making it a realistic alternative to costly manual summarization by medical experts.