Nicolaj Filrup Rasmussen
Buhscitu at SemEval-2020 Task 7: Assessing Humour in Edited News Headlines Using Hand-Crafted Features and Online Knowledge Bases
Kristian Nørgaard Jensen
Nicolaj Filrup Rasmussen
Thai Wang
Marco Placenti
Barbara Plank
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Semantic Evaluation
This paper describes a system that aims at assessing humour intensity in edited news headlines as part of the 7th task of SemEval-2020 on “Humor, Emphasis and Sentiment”. Various factors need to be accounted for in order to assess the funniness of an edited headline. We propose an architecture that uses hand-crafted features, knowledge bases and a language model to understand humour, and combines them in a regression model. Our system outperforms two baselines. In general, automatic humour assessment remains a difficult task.
Cross-Domain Sentiment Classification using Vector Embedded Domain Representations
Nicolaj Filrup Rasmussen
Kristian Nørgaard Jensen
Marco Placenti
Thai Wang
Proceedings of the First NLPL Workshop on Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing
Due to the differences between reviews in different product categories, creating a general model for cross-domain sentiment classification can be a difficult task. This paper proposes an architecture that incorporates domain knowledge into a neural sentiment classification model. In addition to providing a cross-domain model, this also provides a quantifiable representation of the domains as numeric vectors. We show that it is possible to cluster the domain vectors and provide qualitative insights into the inter-domain relations. We also a) present a new data set for sentiment classification that includes a domain parameter and preprocessed data points, and b) perform an ablation study in order to determine whether some word groups impact performance.