Nkonye Gbadegoye
SIGMORPHON 2022 Task 0 Submission Description: Modelling Morphological Inflection with Data-Driven and Rule-Based Approaches
Tatiana Merzhevich
Nkonye Gbadegoye
Leander Girrbach
Jingwen Li
Ryan Soh-Eun Shim
Proceedings of the 19th SIGMORPHON Workshop on Computational Research in Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology
This paper describes our participation in the 2022 SIGMORPHON-UniMorph Shared Task on Typologically Diverse and AcquisitionInspired Morphological Inflection Generation. We present two approaches: one being a modification of the neural baseline encoderdecoder model, the other being hand-coded morphological analyzers using finite-state tools (FST) and outside linguistic knowledge. While our proposed modification of the baseline encoder-decoder model underperforms the baseline for almost all languages, the FST methods outperform other systems in the respective languages by a large margin. This confirms that purely data-driven approaches have not yet reached the maturity to replace trained linguists for documentation and analysis especially considering low-resource and endangered languages.