Pável Calado
Named entity translation using anchor texts
Wang Ling
Pável Calado
Bruno Martins
Isabel Trancoso
Alan Black
Luísa Coheur
Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation: Papers
This work describes a process to extract Named Entity (NE) translations from the text available in web links (anchor texts). It translates a NE by retrieving a list of web documents in the target language, extracting the anchor texts from the links to those documents and finding the best translation from the anchor texts, using a combination of features, some of which, are specific to anchor texts. Experiments performed on a manually built corpora, suggest that over 70% of the NEs, ranging from unpopular to popular entities, can be translated correctly using sorely anchor texts. Tests on a Machine Translation task indicate that the system can be used to improve the quality of the translations of state-of-the-art statistical machine translation systems.