SCARE ― The Sentiment Corpus of App Reviews with Fine-grained Annotations in German
Mario Sänger
Ulf Leser
Steffen Kemmerer
Peter Adolphs
Roman Klinger
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'16)
The automatic analysis of texts containing opinions of users about, e.g., products or political views has gained attention within the last decades. However, previous work on the task of analyzing user reviews about mobile applications in app stores is limited. Publicly available corpora do not exist, such that a comparison of different methods and models is difficult. We fill this gap by contributing the Sentiment Corpus of App Reviews (SCARE), which contains fine-grained annotations of application aspects, subjective (evaluative) phrases and relations between both. This corpus consists of 1,760 annotated application reviews from the Google Play Store with 2,487 aspects and 3,959 subjective phrases. We describe the process and methodology how the corpus was created. The Fleiss Kappa between four annotators reveals an agreement of 0.72. We provide a strong baseline with a linear-chain conditional random field and word-embedding features with a performance of 0.62 for aspect detection and 0.63 for the extraction of subjective phrases. The corpus is available to the research community to support the development of sentiment analysis methods on mobile application reviews.
A Marketplace for Web Scale Analytics and Text Annotation Services
Johannes Kirschnick
Torsten Kilias
Holmer Hemsen
Alexander Löser
Peter Adolphs
Heiko Ehrig
Holger Düwiger
Proceedings of COLING 2014, the 25th International Conference on Computational Linguistics: System Demonstrations
Evaluation of the KomParse Conversational Non-Player Characters in a Commercial Virtual World
Tina Kluewer
Feiyu Xu
Peter Adolphs
Hans Uszkoreit
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12)
The paper describes the evaluation of the KomParse system. KomParse is a dialogue system embedded in a 3-D massive multiplayer online game, allowing conversations between non player characters (NPCs) and game users. In a field test with game users, the system was evaluated with respect to acceptability and usability of the overall system as well as task completion, dialogue control and efficiency of three conversational tasks. Furthermore, subjective feedback has been collected for evaluating the single communication components of the system such as natural language understanding. The results are very satisfying and promising. In general, both the usability and acceptability tests show that the tested NPC is useful and well-accepted by the users. Even if the NPC does not always understand the users well and expresses things unexpected, he could still provide appropriate responses to help users to solve their problems or entertain them.
Question Answering Biographic Information and Social Network Powered by the Semantic Web
Peter Adolphs
Xiwen Cheng
Tina Klüwer
Hans Uszkoreit
Feiyu Xu
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'10)
After several years of development, the vision of the Semantic Web is gradually becoming reality. Large data repositories have been created and offer semantic information in a machine-processable form for various domains. Semantic Web data can be published on the Web, gathered automatically, and reasoned about. All these developments open interesting perspectives for building a new class of domain-specific, broad-coverage information systems that overcome a long-standing bottleneck of AI systems, the notoriously incomplete knowledge base. We present a system that shows how the wealth of information in the Semantic Web can be interfaced with humans once again, using natural language for querying and answering rather than technical formalisms. Whereas current Question Answering systems typically select snippets from Web documents retrieved by a search engine, we utilize Semantic Web data, which allows us to provide natural-language answers that are tailored to the current dialog context. Furthermore, we show how to use natural language processing technologies to acquire new data and enrich existing data in a Semantic Web framework. Our system has acquired a rich biographic data resource by combining existing Semantic Web resources, which are discovered from semi-structured textual data in Web pages, with information extracted from free natural language texts.
Talking NPCs in a Virtual Game World
Tina Klüwer
Peter Adolphs
Feiyu Xu
Hans Uszkoreit
Xiwen Cheng
Proceedings of the ACL 2010 System Demonstrations
Gossip Galore – A Self-Learning Agent for Exchanging Pop Trivia
Xiwen Cheng
Peter Adolphs
Feiyu Xu
Hans Uszkoreit
Hong Li
Proceedings of the Demonstrations Session at EACL 2009
Hybrid Processing for Grammar and Style Checking
Berthold Crysmann
Nuria Bertomeu
Peter Adolphs
Daniel Flickinger
Tina Klüwer
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computational Linguistics (Coling 2008)
Some Fine Points of Hybrid Natural Language Parsing
Peter Adolphs
Stephan Oepen
Ulrich Callmeier
Berthold Crysmann
Dan Flickinger
Bernd Kiefer
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'08)
Large-scale grammar-based parsing systems nowadays increasingly rely on independently developed, more specialized components for pre-processing their input. However, different tools make conflicting assumptions about very basic properties such as tokenization. To make linguistic annotation gathered in pre-processing available to deep parsing, a hybrid NLP system needs to establish a coherent mapping between the two universes. Our basic assumption is that tokens are best described by attribute value matrices (AVMs) that may be arbitrarily complex. We propose a powerful resource-sensitive rewrite formalism, chart mapping, that allows us to mediate between the token descriptions delivered by shallow pre-processing components and the input expected by the grammar. We furthermore propose a novel way of unknown word treatment where all generic lexical entries are instantiated that are licensed by a particular token AVM. Again, chart mapping is used to give the grammar writer full control as to which items (e.g. native vs. generic lexical items) enter syntactic parsing. We discuss several further uses of the original idea and report on early experiences with the new machinery.
Acquiring a Poor Man’s Inflectional Lexicon for German
Peter Adolphs
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'08)
Many NLP modules and applications require the availability of a module for wide-coverage inflectional analysis. One way to obtain such analyses is to use a morphological analyser in combination with an inflectional lexicon. Since large text corpora nowadays are easily available and inflectional systems are in general well understood, it seems feasible to acquire lexical data from raw texts, guided by our knowledge of inflection. I present an acquisition method along these lines for German. The general idea can be roughly summarised as follows: first, generate a set of lexical entry hypotheses for each word-form in the corpus; then, select hypotheses that explain the word-forms found in the corpus best. To this end, I have turned an existing morphological grammar, cast in finite-state technology (Schmid et al. 2004), into a hypothesiser for lexical entries. Irregular forms are simply listed so that they do not interfere with the regular rules used in the hypothesiser. Running the hypothesiser on a text corpus yields a large number of lexical entry hypotheses. These are then ranked according to their validity with the help of a statistical model that is based on the number of attested and predicted word forms for each hypothesis.