Even though various speech data sets are available in Hungarian, there is a lack of a general overview about their types and sizes. To fill in this gap, we provide a survey of available data sets in spoken Hungarian in five categories (e.g., monolingual, Hungarian part of multilingual, pathological, child-related and dialectal collections). In total, the estimated size of available data is about 2800 hours (across 7500 speakers) and it represents a rich spoken language diversity. However, the distribution of the data and its alignment to real-life (e.g. speech recognition) tasks is far from optimal indicating the need for additional larger-scale natural language speech data sets. Our survey presents an overview of available data sets for Hungarian explaining their strengths and weaknesses which is useful for researchers working on Hungarian across disciplines. In addition, our survey serves as a starting point towards a unified foundational speech model specific to Hungarian.
This study outlines our duration-dependent modeling experiments on limited-resource Hungarian speech recognition tasks. As it is well known, very short utterances pose significant challenges in automatic speech recognition due to the lack of context and other phenomena. In particular, we found that that the exclusion of shorter speech samples from fine-tuning for longer duration test data significantly improves the recognition rate measured on public Hungarian datasets, BEA-Base and CommonVoice (CV). Therefore we apply a tandem modeling approach, separate models are used for short and long duration test data. Our strategy improved the ability to recognize short utterances while maintaining recognition of long utterances efficiently, which led to a significant increase in overall recognition accuracy.
Hungarian is spoken by 15 million people, still, easily accessible Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) benchmark datasets – especially for spontaneous speech – have been practically unavailable. In this paper, we introduce BEA-Base, a subset of the BEA spoken Hungarian database comprising mostly spontaneous speech of 140 speakers. It is built specifically to assess ASR, primarily for conversational AI applications. After defining the speech recognition subsets and task, several baselines – including classic HMM-DNN hybrid and end-to-end approaches augmented by cross-language transfer learning – are developed using open-source toolkits. The best results obtained are based on multilingual self-supervised pretraining, achieving a 45% recognition error rate reduction as compared to the classical approach – without the application of an external language model or additional supervised data. The results show the feasibility of using BEA-Base for training and evaluation of Hungarian speech recognition systems.