Praneeta Marakatti
LoRA adapter weight tuning with multi-task learning for Faux-Hate detection
Abhinandan Onajol
Varun Gani
Praneeta Marakatti
Bhakti Malwankar
Shankar Biradar
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON): Shared Task on Decoding Fake Narratives in Spreading Hateful Stories (Faux-Hate)
Detecting misinformation and harmful language in bilingual texts, particularly those com-bining Hindi and English, poses considerabledifficulties. The intricacies of mixed-languagecontent and limited available resources compli-cate this task even more. The proposed workfocuses on unraveling deceptive stories thatpropagate hate. We have developed an inno-vative attention-weight-tuned LoRA Adopter-based model for such Faux-Hate content de-tection. This work is conducted as a partof the ICON 2024 shared task on DecodingFake narratives in spreading Hateful stories.The LoRA-enhanced architecture secured 13thplace among the participating teams for TaskA.