Qi Qin
Feature Projection for Improved Text Classification
Qi Qin
Wenpeng Hu
Bing Liu
Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
In classification, there are usually some good features that are indicative of class labels. For example, in sentiment classification, words like good and nice are indicative of the positive sentiment and words like bad and terrible are indicative of the negative sentiment. However, there are also many common features (e.g., words) that are not indicative of any specific class (e.g., voice and screen, which are common to both sentiment classes and are not discriminative for classification). Although deep learning has made significant progresses in generating discriminative features through its powerful representation learning, we believe there is still room for improvement. In this paper, we propose a novel angle to further improve this representation learning, i.e., feature projection. This method projects existing features into the orthogonal space of the common features. The resulting projection is thus perpendicular to the common features and more discriminative for classification. We apply this new method to improve CNN, RNN, Transformer, and Bert based text classification and obtain markedly better results.
Using the Past Knowledge to Improve Sentiment Classification
Qi Qin
Wenpeng Hu
Bing Liu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2020
This paper studies sentiment classification in the lifelong learning setting that incrementally learns a sequence of sentiment classification tasks. It proposes a new lifelong learning model (called L2PG) that can retain and selectively transfer the knowledge learned in the past to help learn the new task. A key innovation of this proposed model is a novel parameter-gate (p-gate) mechanism that regulates the flow or transfer of the previously learned knowledge to the new task. Specifically, it can selectively use the network parameters (which represent the retained knowledge gained from the previous tasks) to assist the learning of the new task t. Knowledge distillation is also employed in the process to preserve the past knowledge by approximating the network output at the state when task t-1 was learned. Experimental results show that L2PG outperforms strong baselines, including even multiple task learning.