Quentin Feltgen
From qualifiers to quantifiers: semantic shift at the paradigm level
Quentin Feltgen
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Computational Approaches to Historical Language Change
Language change has often been conceived as a competition between linguistic variants. However, language units may be complex organizations in themselves, e.g. in the case of schematic constructions, featuring a free slot. Such a slot is filled by words forming a set or ‘paradigm’ and engaging in inter-related dynamics within this constructional environment. To tackle this complexity, a simple computational method is offered to automatically characterize their interactions, and visualize them through networks of cooperation and competition. Applying this method to the French paradigm of quantifiers, I show that this method efficiently captures phenomena regarding the evolving organization of constructional paradigms, in particular the constitution of competing clusters of fillers that promote different semantic strategies overall.
Language representation and models of language evolution: A grammaticalization perspective
Quentin Feltgen
Benjamin Fagard
Jean-Pierre Nadal
Traitement Automatique des Langues, Volume 55, Numéro 3 : Traitement automatique du langage naturel et sciences cognitives [Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Sciences]