Quetzil Castañeda
Developing finite-state language technology for Maya
Robert Pugh
Francis Tyers
Quetzil Castañeda
Proceedings of the Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Indigenous Languages of the Americas (AmericasNLP)
We describe a suite of finite-state language technologies for Maya, a Mayan language spoken in Mexico. At the core is a computational model of Maya morphology and phonology using a finite-state transducer. This model results in a morphological analyzer and a morphologically-informed spell-checker. All of these technologies are designed for use as both a pedagogical reading/writing aid for L2 learners and as a general language processing tool capable of supporting much of the natural variation in written Maya. We discuss the relevant features of Maya morphosyntax and orthography, and then outline the implementation details of the analyzer. To conclude, we present a longer-term vision for these tools and their use by both native speakers and learners.