Neural Machine Translation for the Indigenous Languages of the Americas: An Introduction
Manuel Mager
Rajat Bhatnagar
Graham Neubig
Ngoc Thang Vu
Katharina Kann
Proceedings of the Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Indigenous Languages of the Americas (AmericasNLP)
Neural models have drastically advanced state of the art for machine translation (MT) between high-resource languages. Traditionally, these models rely on large amounts of training data, but many language pairs lack these resources. However, an important part of the languages in the world do not have this amount of data. Most languages from the Americas are among them, having a limited amount of parallel and monolingual data, if any. Here, we present an introduction to the interested reader to the basic challenges, concepts, and techniques that involve the creation of MT systems for these languages. Finally, we discuss the recent advances and findings and open questions, product of an increased interest of the NLP community in these languages.
CHIA: CHoosing Instances to Annotate for Machine Translation
Rajat Bhatnagar
Ananya Ganesh
Katharina Kann
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022
Neural machine translation (MT) systems have been shown to perform poorly on low-resource language pairs, for which large-scale parallel data is unavailable. Making the data annotation process faster and cheaper is therefore important to ensure equitable access to MT systems. To make optimal use of a limited annotation budget, we present CHIA (choosing instances to annotate), a method for selecting instances to annotate for machine translation. Using an existing multi-way parallel dataset of high-resource languages, we first identify instances, based on model training dynamics, that are most informative for training MT models for high-resource languages. We find that there are cross-lingual commonalities in instances that are useful for MT model training, which we use to identify instances that will be useful to train models on a new target language. Evaluating on 20 languages from two corpora, we show that training on instances selected using our method provides an average performance improvement of 1.59 BLEU over training on randomly selected instances of the same size.
Don’t Rule Out Monolingual Speakers: A Method For Crowdsourcing Machine Translation Data
Rajat Bhatnagar
Ananya Ganesh
Katharina Kann
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 2: Short Papers)
High-performing machine translation (MT) systems can help overcome language barriers while making it possible for everyone to communicate and use language technologies in the language of their choice. However, such systems require large amounts of parallel sentences for training, and translators can be difficult to find and expensive. Here, we present a data collection strategy for MT which, in contrast, is cheap and simple, as it does not require bilingual speakers. Based on the insight that humans pay specific attention to movements, we use graphics interchange formats (GIFs) as a pivot to collect parallel sentences from monolingual annotators. We use our strategy to collect data in Hindi, Tamil and English. As a baseline, we also collect data using images as a pivot. We perform an intrinsic evaluation by manually evaluating a subset of the sentence pairs and an extrinsic evaluation by finetuning mBART (Liu et al., 2020) on the collected data. We find that sentences collected via GIFs are indeed of higher quality.