Ramona Andreea Turcu
Also published as: Ramona-Andreea Turcu
EmoIntens Tracker at SemEval-2018 Task 1: Emotional Intensity Levels in #Tweets
Ramona-Andreea Turcu
Sandra Maria Amarandei
Iuliana-Alexandra Flescan-Lovin-Arseni
Daniela Gifu
Diana Trandabat
Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation
The „Affect in Tweets” task is centered on emotions categorization and evaluation matrix using multi-language tweets (English and Spanish). In this research, SemEval Affect dataset was preprocessed, categorized, and evaluated accordingly (precision, recall, and accuracy). The system described in this paper is based on the implementation of supervised machine learning (Naive Bayes, KNN and SVM), deep learning (NN Tensor Flow model), and decision trees algorithms.
#WarTeam at SemEval-2017 Task 6: Using Neural Networks for Discovering Humorous Tweets
Iuliana Alexandra Fleșcan-Lovin-Arseni
Ramona Andreea Turcu
Cristina Sîrbu
Larisa Alexa
Sandra Maria Amarandei
Nichita Herciu
Constantin Scutaru
Diana Trandabăț
Adrian Iftene
Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2017)
This paper presents the participation of #WarTeam in Task 6 of SemEval2017 with a system classifying humor by comparing and ranking tweets. The training data consists of annotated tweets from the @midnight TV show. #WarTeam’s system uses a neural network (TensorFlow) having inputs from a Naïve Bayes humor classifier and a sentiment analyzer.