Reem Bahgat
FCICU at SemEval-2017 Task 1: Sense-Based Language Independent Semantic Textual Similarity Approach
Basma Hassan
Samir AbdelRahman
Reem Bahgat
Ibrahim Farag
Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2017)
This paper describes FCICU team systems that participated in SemEval-2017 Semantic Textual Similarity task (Task1) for monolingual and cross-lingual sentence pairs. A sense-based language independent textual similarity approach is presented, in which a proposed alignment similarity method coupled with new usage of a semantic network (BabelNet) is used. Additionally, a previously proposed integration between sense-based and sur-face-based semantic textual similarity approach is applied together with our proposed approach. For all the tracks in Task1, Run1 is a string kernel with alignments metric and Run2 is a sense-based alignment similarity method. The first run is ranked 10th, and the second is ranked 12th in the primary track, with correlation 0.619 and 0.617 respectively
FCICU: The Integration between Sense-Based Kernel and Surface-Based Methods to Measure Semantic Textual Similarity
Basma Hassan
Samir AbdelRahman
Reem Bahgat
Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2015)