Renad Alzghoul


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CLD-MEC at MEDIQA- CORR 2024 Task: GPT-4 Multi-Stage Clinical Chain of Thought Prompting for Medical Errors Detection and Correction
Renad Alzghoul | Ayaabdelhaq Ayaabdelhaq | Abdulrahman Tabaza | Ahmad Altamimi
Proceedings of the 6th Clinical Natural Language Processing Workshop

This paper demonstrates CLD-MEC team submission to the MEDIQA-CORR 2024 shared task for identifying and correcting medical errors from clinical notes. We developed a framework to track two main types of medical errors: diagnostics and medical management-related errors. The tracking framework is implied utilizing a GPT-4 multi-stage prompting-based pipeline that ends with the three downstream tasks: classification of medical error existence (Task 1), identification of error location (Task 2), and correction error (Task 3). Throughout the pipeline, we employed clinical Chain of Thought (CoT) and Chain-of-Verification (CoVe) techniques to mitigate the hallucination and enforce the clinical context learning. The model performance is acceptable, given it is based on zero-shot learning. In addition, we developed a RAG system injected with clinical practice guidelines as an external knowledge datastore. Our RAG is based on the Bio_ClinicalBERT as a vector embedding model. However, our RAG system failed to get the desired results. We proposed recommendations to be investigated in future research work to overcome the limitations of our approach.