Reyhaneh Hashempour
Leveraging Contextual Embeddings and Idiom Principle for Detecting Idiomaticity in Potentially Idiomatic Expressions
Reyhaneh Hashempour
Aline Villavicencio
Proceedings of the Workshop on the Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon
The majority of studies on detecting idiomatic expressions have focused on discovering potentially idiomatic expressions overlooking the context. However, many idioms like blow the whistle could be interpreted idiomatically or literally depending on the context. In this work, we leverage the Idiom Principle (Sinclair et al., 1991) and contextualized word embeddings (CWEs), focusing on Context2Vec (Melamud et al., 2016) and BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) to distinguish between literal and idiomatic senses of such expressions in context. We also experiment with a non-contextualized word embedding baseline, in this case word2Vec (Mikolov et al., 2013) and compare its performance with that of CWEs. The results show that CWEs outperform the non-CWEs, especially when the Idiom Principle is applied, as it improves the results by 6%. We further show that the Context2Vec model, trained based on Idiom Principle, can place potentially idiomatic expressions into distinct ‘sense’ (idiomatic/literal) regions of the embedding space, whereas Word2Vec and BERT seem to lack this capacity. The model is also capable of producing suitable substitutes for ambiguous expressions in context which is promising for downstream tasks like text simplification.
A Deep Learning Approach to Language-independent Gender Prediction on Twitter
Reyhaneh Hashempour
Proceedings of the 2019 Workshop on Widening NLP
This work presents a set of experiments conducted to predict the gender of Twitter users based on language-independent features extracted from the text of the users’ tweets. The experiments were performed on a version of TwiSty dataset including tweets written by the users of six different languages: Portuguese, French, Dutch, English, German, and Italian. Logistic regression (LR), and feed-forward neural networks (FFNN) with back-propagation were used to build models in two different settings: Inter-Lingual (IL) and Cross-Lingual (CL). In the IL setting, the training and testing were performed on the same language whereas in the CL, Italian and German datasets were set aside and only used as test sets and the rest were combined to compose training and development sets. In the IL, the highest accuracy score belongs to LR whereas, in the CL, FFNN with three hidden layers yields the highest score. The results show that neural network based models underperform traditional models when the size of the training set is small; however, they beat traditional models by a non-trivial margin, when they are fed with large enough data. Finally, the feature analysis confirms that men and women have different writing styles independent of their language.