Riya Pal
Towards Automated Semantic Role Labelling of Hindi-English Code-Mixed Tweets
Riya Pal
Dipti Sharma
Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text (W-NUT 2019)
We present a system for automating Semantic Role Labelling of Hindi-English code-mixed tweets. We explore the issues posed by noisy, user generated code-mixed social media data. We also compare the individual effect of various linguistic features used in our system. Our proposed model is a 2-step system for automated labelling which gives an overall accuracy of 84% for Argument Classification, marking a 10% increase over the existing rule-based baseline model. This is the first attempt at building a statistical Semantic Role Labeller for Hindi-English code-mixed data, to the best of our knowledge.
A Dataset for Semantic Role Labelling of Hindi-English Code-Mixed Tweets
Riya Pal
Dipti Sharma
Proceedings of the 13th Linguistic Annotation Workshop
We present a data set of 1460 Hindi-English code-mixed tweets consisting of 20,949 tokens labelled with Proposition Bank labels marking their semantic roles. We created verb frames for complex predicates present in the corpus and formulated mappings from Paninian dependency labels to Proposition Bank labels. With the help of these mappings and the dependency tree, we propose a baseline rule based system for Semantic Role Labelling of Hindi-English code-mixed data. We obtain an accuracy of 96.74% for Argument Identification and are able to further classify 73.93% of the labels correctly. While there is relevant ongoing research on Semantic Role Labelling and on building tools for code-mixed social media data, this is the first attempt at labelling semantic roles in code-mixed data, to the best of our knowledge.