Rohith Arumugam
SSN_ARMM at SemEval-2024 Task 10: Emotion Detection in Multilingual Code-Mixed Conversations using LinearSVC and TF-IDF
Rohith Arumugam
Angel Deborah
Rajalakshmi Sivanaiah
Milton R S
Mirnalinee Thankanadar
Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2024)
Our paper explores a task involving the analysis of emotions and triggers within dialogues. We annotate each utterance with an emotion and identify triggers, focusing on binary labeling. We emphasize clear guidelines for replicability and conduct thorough analyses, including multiple system runs and experiments to highlight effective techniques. By simplifying the complexities and detailing clear methodologies, our study contributes to advancing emotion analysis and trigger identification within dialogue systems.