Romain Bielawski
CLIP-based image captioning via unsupervised cycle-consistency in the latent space
Romain Bielawski
Rufin VanRullen
Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP (RepL4NLP 2023)
When does CLIP generalize better than unimodal models? When judging human-centric concepts
Romain Bielawski
Benjamin Devillers
Tim Van De Cruys
Rufin Vanrullen
Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP
CLIP, a vision-language network trained with a multimodal contrastive learning objective on a large dataset of images and captions, has demonstrated impressive zero-shot ability in various tasks. However, recent work showed that in comparison to unimodal (visual) networks, CLIP’s multimodal training does not benefit generalization (e.g. few-shot or transfer learning) for standard visual classification tasks such as object, street numbers or animal recognition. Here, we hypothesize that CLIP’s improved unimodal generalization abilities may be most prominent in domains that involve human-centric concepts (cultural, social, aesthetic, affective...); this is because CLIP’s training dataset is mainly composed of image annotations made by humans for other humans. To evaluate this, we use 3 tasks that require judging human-centric concepts”:” sentiment analysis on tweets, genre classification on books or movies. We introduce and publicly release a new multimodal dataset for movie genre classification. We compare CLIP’s visual stream against two visually trained networks and CLIP’s textual stream against two linguistically trained networks, as well as multimodal combinations of these networks. We show that CLIP generally outperforms other networks, whether using one or two modalities. We conclude that CLIP’s multimodal training is beneficial for both unimodal and multimodal tasks that require classification of human-centric concepts.
Does language help generalization in vision models?
Benjamin Devillers
Bhavin Choksi
Romain Bielawski
Rufin VanRullen
Proceedings of the 25th Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning
Vision models trained on multimodal datasets can benefit from the wide availability of large image-caption datasets. A recent model (CLIP) was found to generalize well in zero-shot and transfer learning settings. This could imply that linguistic or “semantic grounding” confers additional generalization abilities to the visual feature space. Here, we systematically evaluate various multimodal architectures and vision-only models in terms of unsupervised clustering, few-shot learning, transfer learning and adversarial robustness. In each setting, multimodal training produced no additional generalization capability compared to standard supervised visual training. We conclude that work is still required for semantic grounding to help improve vision models.