Rustam Mussabayev
Language-Independent Approach for Morphological Disambiguation
Alymzhan Toleu
Gulmira Tolegen
Rustam Mussabayev
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
This paper presents a language-independent approach for morphological disambiguation which has been regarded as an extension of POS tagging, jointly predicting complex morphological tags. In the proposed approach, all words, roots, POS and morpheme tags are embedded into vectors, and contexts representations from surface word and morphological contexts are calculated. Then the inner products between analyses and the context’s representations are computed to perform the disambiguation. The underlying hypothesis is that the correct morphological analysis should be closer to the context in a vector space. Experimental results show that the proposed approach outperforms the existing models on seven different language datasets. Concretely, compared with the baselines of MarMot and a sophisticated neural model (Seq2Seq), the proposed approach achieves around 6% improvement in average accuracy for all languages while running about 6 and 33 times faster than MarMot and Seq2Seq, respectively.
Voted-Perceptron Approach for Kazakh Morphological Disambiguation
Gulmira Tolegen
Alymzhan Toleu
Rustam Mussabayev
Proceedings of the 1st Joint Workshop on Spoken Language Technologies for Under-resourced languages (SLTU) and Collaboration and Computing for Under-Resourced Languages (CCURL)
This paper presents an approach of voted perceptron for morphological disambiguation for the case of Kazakh language. Guided by the intuition that the feature value from the correct path of analyses must be higher than the feature value of non-correct path of analyses, we propose the voted perceptron algorithm with Viterbi decoding manner for disambiguation. The approach can use arbitrary features to learn the feature vector for a sequence of analyses, which plays a vital role for disambiguation. Experimental results show that our approach outperforms other statistical and rule-based models. Moreover, we manually annotated a new morphological disambiguation corpus for Kazakh language.