Sagnik Basu


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How vulnerable are you? A Novel Computational Psycholinguistic Analysis for Phishing Influence Detection
Anik Chatterjee | Sagnik Basu
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON)

This document contains our work and progress regarding phishing detection by searching for proper influential sentences. Currently, the world is becoming smart, as a result most of the transactions and posting offers happen online. So, human beings have become the most vulnerable to security breach or hacking through phishing attacks, or being persuaded through influential texts in social media sites. We have analyzed influential and non-influential sentences and populated our dataset with those. We have proposed a computational model for implementing Cialdini and we got state of the art accuracy with our model. Our approach is language independent and domain independent and it is applicable to any problem where persuation detection is important. Our dataset and proposed computational psycholinguistic approach will motivate researchers to work more in the area of persuasion detection.