Sam Tureski
CyberWallE at SemEval-2020 Task 11: An Analysis of Feature Engineering for Ensemble Models for Propaganda Detection
Verena Blaschke
Maxim Korniyenko
Sam Tureski
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Semantic Evaluation
This paper describes our participation in the SemEval-2020 task Detection of Propaganda Techniques in News Articles. We participate in both subtasks: Span Identification (SI) and Technique Classification (TC). We use a bi-LSTM architecture in the SI subtask and train a complex ensemble model for the TC subtask. Our architectures are built using embeddings from BERT in combination with additional lexical features and extensive label post-processing. Our systems achieve a rank of 8 out of 35 teams in the SI subtask (F1-score: 43.86%) and 8 out of 31 teams in the TC subtask (F1-score: 57.37%).