Samira Babalou
Tag Me If You Can! Semantic Annotation of Biodiversity Metadata with the QEMP Corpus and the BiodivTagger
Felicitas Löffler
Nora Abdelmageed
Samira Babalou
Pawandeep Kaur
Birgitta König-Ries
Proceedings of the Twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference
Dataset Retrieval is gaining importance due to a large amount of research data and the great demand for reusing scientific data. Dataset Retrieval is mostly based on metadata, structured information about the primary data. Enriching these metadata with semantic annotations based on Linked Open Data (LOD) enables datasets, publications and authors to be connected and expands the search on semantically related terms. In this work, we introduce the BiodivTagger, an ontology-based Information Extraction pipeline, developed for metadata from biodiversity research. The system recognizes biological, physical and chemical processes, environmental terms, data parameters and phenotypes as well as materials and chemical compounds and links them to concepts in dedicated ontologies. To evaluate our pipeline, we created a gold standard of 50 metadata files (QEMP corpus) selected from five different data repositories in biodiversity research. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first annotated metadata corpus for biodiversity research data. The results reveal a mixed picture. While materials and data parameters are properly matched to ontological concepts in most cases, some ontological issues occurred for processes and environmental terms.