Samy Bengio
Tensor2Tensor for Neural Machine Translation
Ashish Vaswani
Samy Bengio
Eugene Brevdo
Francois Chollet
Aidan Gomez
Stephan Gouws
Llion Jones
Łukasz Kaiser
Nal Kalchbrenner
Niki Parmar
Ryan Sepassi
Noam Shazeer
Jakob Uszkoreit
Proceedings of the 13th Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (Volume 1: Research Track)
Generating Sentences from a Continuous Space
Samuel R. Bowman
Luke Vilnis
Oriol Vinyals
Andrew Dai
Rafal Jozefowicz
Samy Bengio
Proceedings of the 20th SIGNLL Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning
Investigating Lexical Substitution Scoring for Subtitle Generation
Oren Glickman
Ido Dagan
Walter Daelemans
Mikaela Keller
Samy Bengio
Proceedings of the Tenth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL-X)
- Samuel Bowman 1
- Eugene Brevdo 1
- Francois Chollet 1
- Walter Daelemans 1
- Ido Dagan 1
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