Sandy Kurniawan
IR3218-UI at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Emoji Effects on Offensive Language IdentifiCation
Sandy Kurniawan
Indra Budi
Muhammad Okky Ibrohim
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Semantic Evaluation
In this paper, we present our approach and the results of our participation in OffensEval 2020. There are three sub-tasks in OffensEval 2020 namely offensive language identification (sub-task A), automatic categorization of offense types (sub-task B), and offense target identification (sub-task C). We participated in sub-task A of English OffensEval 2020. Our approach emphasizes on how the emoji affects offensive language identification. Our model used LSTM combined with GloVe pre-trained word vectors to identify offensive language on social media. The best model obtained macro F1-score of 0.88428.