Pāṇinian Phonological Changes: Computation and Development of Online Access System
Subhash Chandra
Proceedings of the WILDRE-6 Workshop within the 13th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference
Pāṇini used the term saṃhitā for phonological changes. Any Sound change which alters phonemes in a particular language is called Phonological Change. It arises when two sounds are pronounced in a language with uninterrupted speed, then those letters are affected by each other due to Articulatory, Acoustic and Auditory principles in language. The pronunciation of two sounds that are in extreme proximity, affects each other and changes them. In simple words, this phenomenon is known as sandhi. Sanskrit is considered one of the oldest languages in the world. It has produced one of the most huge literary text corpora in the world. The tradition of Sanskrit started in the Vedic period. Pāṇini’s Aṣṭādhyāyī (AD) is a complete grammar of Sanskrit. It also covers Sanskrit sounds and phonology. Phonological changes are a natural phenomenon in any language during speech but in Sanskrit, it is highly reflected. Sanskrit corpora contain numerous long words. It looks like a single sentence due to sandhi between multiple words. The process of phonological changes occurred based on certain rules of pronunciation and it is codified by the Pāṇini in AD. Pāṇini has codified these rules systemically but the computation of these rules is a challenging task. Therefore, the objective of the paper is to compute the rules and demonstrate an online access system for Sanskrit sandhi. The system also generates the whole process of phonological changes based on Pāṇinian Rules. It also plays a very effective role in Digital classroom teaching, boosting teaching skills and the learning process.